About Fals

The Friends of Lajedo de Soledade Foundation (FALS), created in the 90s in partnership with Petrobras, is the entity responsible for preserving Lajedo.

Its emergence took place in 1991 when Petrobras geologists Eduardo Bagnoli and Geraldo Luiz Nunes Gusso, environmentalist David Maurce Hasset and speleologist Francisco William Junior, concerned about the growing destruction of Lajedo, joined Apodiense lawyer Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Maia on a mission rescue center in Lajedo de Soledade.

Through awareness-raising lectures, the residents of Vila de Soledade were made aware of the cultural and environmental richness of Lajedo and the possibility of exploring it in a more sustainable way, transforming it into a tourist attraction. The positive impact of the population led to the formation of the “Associação Amigos do Lajedo de Soledade”, whose executive part was in charge of people from Soledade and Apodi.

Thus, FALS was assigned tasks such as delimiting preservation areas, cleaning and marking the areas, training children to be child guides, creating a small museum/library and developing a management plan for Lajedo. The association also had a Scientific Council (Eduardo Bagnoli, Geraldo Luis Nunes Gusso, David Maurice Hasset and Francisco William Junior) to coordinate the technical and scientific activities related to the project.


1- Alex Targino da Silva
2- Cláudio José Alves de Sena
3- Ciro Emanuel Targino da Costa
4- Francisco Cladionor de Oliveira Sena
5- Antonio Cesar de Lima Pereira Filho
6- Dinária Rafaela Targino
7- Antônio Barbosa de Melo Filho
8- Manasses Menezes Cavalcante
9- Aldemir Galdino da Silva


Diretor Presidente: Francisco Xavier de Sena
Diretor Vice-presidente: Rivonaldo Antônio da Costa
Diretor Tesoureiro: Ciro Emanuel Targino da Costa
Diretor Segundo Tesoureiro: Francisco Antônio de Oliveira
Diretora Secretária: Arcânjala Leopoldina Oliveira Targino
Diretor Segundo Secretário: Zacarias Targino de Freitas
Conselho Fiscal : Astrogildo José Targino, Ernesto Freire da Silva, Alex Targino da Silva